So I woke up Valentine's Morning and said "Happy Valentine's Day" to Simon and went right back to bed. Then I wake up again and Simon comes in with a plate full of eggs, toast, and bacon (with some milk on the side). It was yum, yum, yummy for my tummy.

After that we layed around for a little bit. Then it was time to get ready for the Valentine's Party.
I was so worried about what to wear. No one knew. I called around (a lot of people weren't going to go) and the people that were going didn't know either. Guh. It's a self-conscious, worried girl's nightmare. lol. After some advice this was what I decided to wear...

I decided to go all out. I wore my wedding jewelry. (I wanted more than just one use for them) I wore black stockings (it was really cold out) and black high heels. Here is a close-up of my make-up and my hair clips...

They almost looks exactly the same but the second one you can see the diamond clips from my wedding on my hair. They formed a little group around the hair clips holding my bangs back.
I wanted a natural beauty tone for my make-up... not too much, just enough.
I've lost weight... or so it feels like.
Simon of course looked just as dashing as ever...

(don't mind the happens sometimes...every now and then) lol

Pia and Kristian then came and picked us up and we traveled for about an hour in Horsens. When we got there it appeared as there was a good group of people there... a decent mix of older and younger couples (very few singles). We talked to some people and then went in to sit to eat. We had chinese type food including chicken-corn soup (really really good), rice, egg role, chicken, and this chicken/onion/something else stuff (really really good as well). Some people had chopsticks and others had forks. Simon and I both had chopsticks (Simon kept switching between forks and chopsticks) he he.

We sang a song as a group too, it was fun. Underneath the plates were little pieces of papers that said something to the effect of you clean after main dish or you clean up after dessert. It was genious. I want to tell Dad about that idea. It was so smart.

After dinner there was a dance. They played mostly older music but they had a few good ones and even a played "Friends in lowly places" ... I was like "Represent." I was happy and proud I was from Texas. lol. Oh and before the dance there was a short entertainment. You know those actors that do that thing... with the thing... and look like the thing... lol. Idk what they are called. Here's a pic...

She was actually pretty good. (especially when she slow ran)(she was before the dance... so after her we danced for a while)...
A few pretzels and chips later we were on our way home. It was a very successful day and we had a lot of fun.

I love Valentine's Day and I love Simon
Much love to everyone,
Rachel Bendtsen