We left Aalborg on Norwegian Airlines on April 14th (my last day I was allowed to stay in Denmark...we were cutting it close). We had seats directly over the wing...guh. Oh well it wasn't going to be too long of a flight. That first flight went by fast enough. After we landed in Gatwick we had to follow the signs to get to Heathrow Airport. We bought some cheap airport food and found the National Express bus. The bus ride was 40-60 min. It wasn't too bad and the seats were comfortable. After getting to Heathrow we looked around a bit and found that there was no really good place to sleep. There were a few good chairs but they were in the handicapped area. Luckily, the guy working in the handicapped area said that we could sleep there. Sweet! There were 4 seats in a row without armrests and I had two in a row. Overall we got like 5 hours each (I think). After getting up we went to check in with Air Canada. We waited by the gate and then loaded.
Of course we got a seat right above the window again. Luckily the flight was wide-open with seats of 3 in a row all over the place. We had the option to move but never took it because there were individual tv's in each seat and the window shades would probably be down anyway so we could see better. They had a some good movies on too! I only watched half of a movie and fell asleep. Later I woke up and it was Simon's turn to sleep. We only had 2 hours left at that point.
Something not right... how do seatbelts work again?
(Simon found two of the same side of the seatbelt)
These were the sandwiches we ate while waiting. They were ok and we were hungry so they worked.
It was great being with my hubby while we traveled.
We arrived in Canada and found out it was time to go through customs... sweating time. Customs has the power to deny Simon entry into the U.S. at the drop of a hat. Our only hope was in Simon's return ticket (hopefully proving that he doesn't want to stay for long-term). They didn't even ask about the return ticket! We told him we were staying for 3 months (he of course corrected us and said 90 days) and after that we were cleared! Phew... we were glad that was over with. We dropped off our bags for our last flight and waited at the gate. While waiting I went and bought us a bag of skittles (they don't have them in Denmark). We almost got sick from all the skittles we ate. Finally, we were boarding.
The last leg of the flight wasn't too long. They had individual tv's here too! I read my book most of the time though. We arrived in DFW and waited for our bags. Mom came in and greeted us and promptly left to make sure she didn't get a ticket for leaving her car unattended. Mom had forgotten how tall Simon really was when he got in the backseat and almost hit his head to the roof. :) We got home and were glad to see our nieces and nephews and sisters and brother-in-laws waiting for us! It was great to see everyone again.
We are glad that everything went so well without any problems. We truly were blessed to see this all work out like it did. It is wonderful to be in Texas and see everyone again. We do miss Denmark. While we are here we are going to be having loads of fun. Love to all,
The Bendtsens