Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just Dance 2

Simon brought home a surprise from work the other day! I was so excited!!

He bought me Just Dance 2!!

Last Sunday Birgit held a 2nd day of Christmas party and Benedicte brought over Just Dance 2. We had SO much playing it together. Almost everyone tried it too! Check out the pics!

It was hard, yet fun. I even went over to Birgit's again today to play it with her. It is a really great work-out since it's easy and fun.

Hugs and Kisses XOXO

Rachel Anne

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pre-Christmas Post 2010

I think I'm ready for one more blog post before the holidays. It has been crazy busy here. Simon has been working this crazy long work schedule (usually 9:30am to 8:00pm if not more) and I had my receptionist job and my cleaning job with the language school on top of that.

Still that's all normal for us now. What's been so hectic is that we are having family over for Christmas. There will be 12 here tomorrow. We've had to plan out what we want to do and go shopping for presents and pakkeleg (christmas game) presents. I think I am mostly all done. The only thing I have not bought is something to go on the top of our Christmas tree.

Well for Christmas this year Simon and I both got a LARGE present along with a few small ones. I got a violin and he got a Brand New SLR Camera. He's going to get it today.

I'll post again when I find out all that we get for Christmas.

I still don't know what to do for the untalent show. I've been wracking(?) my brain and I haven't come up with anything spectacular. I hope I find something soon. :P

I hope y'all all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!