I LOVE personal progress!! I was working on Virtue #5 this evening and I really felt the spirit very strongly. I was able to pray and receive an answer to my prayers. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants me to be the best I can. I know that I can receive a forgiveness for my sins through Jesus' atoning sacrifice.
Tonight I really felt the importance of Personal Progress. It is a program set forth to help the Young Women throughout the world learn of God. We learn that He is there and that He loves us all dearly. I felt very strongly that Personal Progress is a true program inspired by God.
I'm am grateful that I get to work with the Young Women of the Randers Branch. I am so blessed and happy. I love my loving husband and my caring family. Jeg er så taknemmelig for alt jeg har og alt Gud har givet mig. Tusind tak alle sammen for jeres kærlighed og hjælp.
Jeg ved at disse ting er sandt. I Jesu Kristi navn. Amen.