Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Past 3 Days

I do so much bike-riding here, it's insane. Yesterday I tried to find my way down to the City Hall to get some paperwork. It was a fairly easy way downhill most of the time. (Meaning that going home was going to be killer.)

On the way down I tried to find my way but couldn't really find it so I had to ask for help along the way. Most of the people I talked to knew little to no English. I got a lot of phlah pleham lehapfh fhel lema le and a lot of hand pointing. :P

Eventually I made it to the building only to find out that they were closed today (even though the guy I called 'said they were open' (I don't blame him, his English could be a little better- and I think I got confused). So I made my way back home... up the hills. It was hard. I was so tired. Especially when I passed this kid walking up the hill. I wanted to show him so I decided to ride past him...big mistake. I was soooo tired. Finally making my way home, I layed on my bad. I totally passed out. I was exhausted. I had been gone for like 2 hours... most of which I think was bike-riding.

When I woke up I got ready to go pick up Simon from work. He got off at 3 so I started about 2:50-3:00. It is a 20 minute bike ride there. Yesterday I met him on the way so I only had to bike ride halfway there. This time I didn't see him at all. I rode all the way to his work. It was already 3:30 when I got there too. It wasn't too much longer before he was ready to leave. We walked-rode together. It was still really nice even if I had to walk some of the 'hills' (more like slight inclines) but still.

We watched a little bit of anime (Trigun) and eventually he fell asleep. (I had already had my nap or else I would have taken it with him. I went online while he was asleep.

I love being here and I hope everything works out with the government. We won't really know until they open on Thursday. Thanks for reading this.
Love and Miss yall

P.S. I have done more bike-riding in the past 4 days than I have in the past 4 years put together!!! (and I haven't even ridden today... yet)


  1. Go Rachel!!! You can do itt!!!! (Accent) lol.
    Get in shape with all that bike ridin- be as thin as a Popsicle stick. l <-- thats you :P

    Love you rach and keep posting!!

  2. Great to hear that you are settlet in.
    How was church? Did they speak english?

  3. Oh sorry! I never saw your older post about your apartment or I would have commented! I think its great that you are on another adventure, but u had better have fun or you'll make me cry! I already miss you when I know u are having fun, but to miss you and know u are miserable?!!! I wouldnt be able to take it!! I love you rach! Be safe, and I hope everything works out!

    Mel (love)
