Thursday, January 22, 2009

Branch Chorister

Okay, so I got called as Branch Chorister. Simon had just come home from work. Before he took off his tie though he said he had some church business and would like to talk to me. We sat down on the couch and he asked me to be branch chorister starting the following Sunday. I was happy and a little surprised at the notion but nonetheless, I accepted. That Sunday I looked at the songs to be sung (of course all in Danish) and they had to pick hard songs for my first day. The first song started as a six beat and changed to a four beat in the middle. I got through the verses and sat down. But something was not right. No one got up to say the prayer and everyone was looking up at the pulpit. What I didn't know at the time was that they sang all the verses of the song, even the extra ones. I was practically mortified. Luckily, Joachim was asked to say the prayer so he (sitting at the Sacrament table) turned and asked Simon if he should just go up and say the prayer. He came up and said the prayer and after that Simon, luckily for me, took the blame for not telling me that they sing ALL the verses. The next song was a 6/4 song and I conducted it as a 2/2 song which made it hard to keep the tempo up. Oops. But it all worked out. The last song was a song I knew (but not like I would know The Spirit of God or anything). lol. The meeting ended and my first day task was complete. The next week went much much much better than the previous one. lol. It is quite fun to be the branch chorister. I'm loving singing in Danish. I find it easier to sing Danish hymns than to read Danish. I think it's because the words are sometimes divided with a hyphen (depending on the song) so I can seperate the syllable much more easily. I can't wait for next week where I will get to lead the congregation again in song.


  1. How cute! I remember some of those horrible moments when I have conducted last minute for someone. All I can do is flinch at the first remembrance and then laugh because it is funny! Great Story!

  2. thanks jenn. :) it was funny afterwards.
