Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Apartment

27. juli 2009 (inbetween 10:00 and 11:00)
We drove down to Germany yesterday to check out our apartment. I thought that it was going to be a one room 'black hole' as mom and dad called it. I was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't. When we arrived we did notice that they had a dog (or two...not sure yet) and also that they might smoke (really can't tell). After looking through the apartment we paid them 667 euro total (350 for next months rent, 67 for the 67 for this weeks rent, 200 for deposit (i think), and 50 for if they need to clean when we move out). They don't have wireless here (bummer) so we are going to go see how much it will be for a cheap connection. I can't really describe the place well so I'll just have to show you with some pictures. :D

After we finished pulling everything out from the car we took a car ride down to Simon's work so he knew where he had to go in the morning (and to hopefully prevent getting lost tomorrow). The bikeride is so beautiful. I haven't riden it yet but from the car is was so pretty. Attached a short way off the road is a bike bath that he will ride to and from work. The road goes through fields of wheat and corn, forests, and little house developments. I'm excited to one day ride with him to work and see it all again. After dropping Simon and me off at the apartment, we said our goodbyes and watched them drive away. Tear. It was kind of nervous-like to watch them go since we knew that we were in a foriegn country where we didn't know anyone. We did know that we had Heavenly Father watching over us though.

Simon and I then went on a bike ride. (Oh and earlier we found the church right down the street- SOO Awesome!) We went downhill through some apartment complexes down near an old church and decided it was time to turn around (we knew that it was all going to be uphill on the way back- guh) It was a fun ride up anyway. I stopped like 3 times but I made it! :)

After getting up the hill we took a detour through some of the other houses and neighborhoods. It was all still really pretty. After getting home we had some more salami and rejeost (shirmpcheese - like creamcheese but better) on my favorite bread, Swedish Bread. Mmmh. We set up Simon's playstation on this little bity incy wincy TV. (We will definitely have to ask Birgit and Ole to bring down our bigger one next time they visit). After playing just a little bit and finding that all the channels were German (I was hoping for English iwth German subtitles) we read scriptures and got ready for bed.

Going to bed a little harder than I expected. Our bed is a single mattress. Not like the singles in America but European singles. It was pretty small. So we pulled in close for bed. Simon almost fell right asleep while I tossed and turned a little bit trying to find the best position.

In the middle of the night I woke up and found that Simon had curled his knees up and since his knees can't go into the wall his body pushes over to my side. I am so close to falling off the bed. I rolled up over him and slept next to the wall to insure I wasn't the one falling off. Luckily after we switched sides there were no more near accidents. :P

Simon and I got up around 6:30. He got ready for work while I made his lunch. I wonder what he had... oh wait I remember... more salami. That will be our meal for the next few days until we get a little more settled and make some potatoes (w/ bearnaise sauce). Simon left for work (sadly) and I started de-dog-inizing the apartment. I was worried that I would be completely bothered all of the time with all the dog hairs and stuff. I pulled off all of the cloth products (pillows, table cover, and rug) and vacuumed all of the apartment (almost Grandma Quality too). I did not want to suffer the wrath of the dog hairs. While vacuuming this German worker dude (oh yeah, there is construction work happening all down the street) yelled up to me. After turning off the vacuum I was like 'what?' and he said the same thing to me in German... like I understand that. Luckily Thomas heard him and want to talk with him (I'm guessing it was something about electricity or bathrrom or something). After vacuuming I started unpacking. I'm really close to finishing with 3 of the huge checked bags done. Only 2 more (small) bags. I stopped to see if my computer could find any unsecured wireless but no luck. I got sidetracked and decided to write up this entry.

I'm glad that we have such a nice apartment and that we didn't have to haul all of our furniture out here (that would have been awful). I can't wait to see how Simon's first day went.
Love ya all,
-The Bendtsens

P.S. I'll blog when I find out how his work went (or when anything interesting happens - whichever comes first. Love and Kisses

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