Saturday, July 25, 2009

Some MORE Great News

We had a really busy day today.

This morning we got up around 6:35am and got ready to go help Birgit's Sister move. It was 45 minutes or so to get there but it was a fast ride. We arrived and found that there were 4 or so men there not including Ole and Simon. Sweet Deal! The other thing we found out was that she was moving less than 50 yards away in one of the next buildings over. There were even 4 Sister Missionaries that showed up as well to help do the cleaning. It was so nice!

After cleaning we went straight over to Valdemar's birthday party. It was a lot of fun and we got to meet a lot of Lizette's family. I had a great time. We ate outside on her really pretty back-front yard until it started to sprinkle. Luckily, we were mostly done when it came. The kids enjoyed jumping in the rain as well. We said our goodbyes and headed home.

We did some laundry and went to Christian's house to find some sheets and rags for our new apartment.

Now to the good news. Not only were we truly blessed already, later we went online to search for a nearby church and we found out that it was on the same exact street!! It was so cool! We are living in number 144 and the church is 101. We are so excited!!

Love and miss yall bunches,
The Bendtsens


  1. Whew! That's totally awesome! Read my blog about my wonderful day!

    Love, Mel

  2. no the phone doctor is NOT fun! It is a cheesy instructional video from the 80's! I do love it! I use it at least once a week! Miss you!

  3. I mean I do love the straightner. Not the video.
