Monday, February 2, 2009


Simon and I are watching scrubs together. We started watching them together when I moved over here. We are already on the 7th season (which I think is the last). It has been a lot of fun watching them together and being able to relax doing something we both like. It’s a lot of fun. We only have like 6 more episodes until we are all done. We have more inside jokes from things that happened in scrubs (like eagle!! Or the baby!?!) lol.

We finished Scrubs. It was really good. Now we just have to find something else to watch. We have smallville. Interest isn’t too high on my end yet… I guess I just need to wait for a really boring day and then it will seem much more interesting. Lol.

1 comment:

  1. they started making scrubs again. You should ckeck out the new seasons if you can! I also love pretender although some of the hype has left because the technology it uses has been surpassed in real life. It was more impressive way back when!
